Friday, May 20, 2016


*Semua pelajar dimestikan hadir dengan membawa progress report masing2 pada hari tersebut.

** Pelajar kerja kursus juga dijemput hadir.  Sila kemukakan nama kepada Puan Nadzirah, Cik Amalina ditalian 03-3258 7336 atau Puan Farra di talian 03-3258 7335.

Makanan dan minuman disediakan.

Harap maklum.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Office of Research & Innovation (ORI) and Office of Academic Affairs (Postgraduate Department) will organize the First Postgraduate Colloquium (PGC2016) that will be held on 25th May 2016 - 26th May 2016 (Wednesday - Thursday) at De Palma Hotel, Shah Alam, Selangor.

With the objectives to enhance the number of PhD graduates and to build research culture among postdoctoral students, PGC 2016 serves as a platform for the participants to present their research findings and networking. Three extinguish speakers from the Academia and Industries are invited to deliver their keynote speech on the first day of the colloquium.  47 students will be presenting their research papers during the colloquium and will be assess by internal and external panel of experts from the respective areas such as Auditing and Fraud, Financial Reporting and Islamic Accounting, Accounting Information system and Risk Management and Management Accounting.

It is hope that the Postgraduate Colloquium 2016 (PGC2016) will be an annual event for the faculty and more participants from other national and international postdoctoral students will be participating in the colloquium. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Seminar : Current Issues in forensic Accounting


Semua pelajar dan staf di jemput hadir ke seminar yang bertajuk Current Issues in forensic Accounting yang akan disampaikan oleh Dato Akhbar Satar ( President, Transparency International Malaysia)  pada 11 Mei 2016 jam 2.00 petang 10.00 pagi bertempat di DK200.  Kehadiran adalah diwajibkan bagi semua pelajar AC700 dan AC703.

Pix : Dato' Akhbar Satar